My dress is an oldie but a goodie, right? It's from ASOS Curve and although I've worn it a lot; it hasn't featured here on the blog for some reason. I normally size down in ASOS bodycons (from their main range) as they tend to come up big and they have lots of stretch. With this dress, I'm wearing a 20 from the Curve range and I love the fit. Sadly it's not on the site any more but I've linked some others below so take a look and see if any of them take your fancy. In regards to shape wear, I'm wearing my all time fave Maiden Form singlet which you can buy from Yours Clothing.
A while back I talked about my dislike of the colour maroon. Well, I've kind of had a change of heart because I keep seeing things in maroon/burgundy and lusting after them (my best friend Jo will be so proud of me). This quilted coat caught my eye when I was wandering round Simply Be the other day, and I tried it on and before I knew it I was on my way home clutching a carrier bag planning my next outfit post. Voila, here is said outfit post!
My cute Vivienne Westwood clutch was a gift from my parents and I always get so much pleasure when I use it. The heart earrings are from Jonny Loves Rosie and you've seen these heels before... they're my all time fave black heels - they're honestly such a dream to wear.
Photographs by David Connolley
Well ladies, what ever you end up doing this weekend I hope you have a fab time and even if you don't celebrate Valentines Day - know that you're beautiful and loved by at least one person... *me* ;)