It is no secret that I have a chronic illness called Fibromyalgia, but at the moment that is topped off with some pretty severe gastro issues (due to complications with routine surgery last year). Quite honestly, I am not feeling good at the moment...If we're being real, I feel like shit. These stomach issues are making life very difficult for me and it's all just very tiring, very disheartening and it's making day to day life really hard.
I recently signed with a management company which I AM SO EXCITED about but I just wish I was in better health as I'm currently not feeling at my best and I really want to feel better so I can throw myself into lots of work and projects. I've been spending a lot of time at home recently as I've been too uncomfortable to be out and about and I've also not been making plans as all I seem to do at the moment is cancel them.
Cancelling on your friends/family constantly is draining for all those involved. I have to try and listen to my body and pace myself and if looking after my health means missing Drake gigs and birthday dinners; then so be it. I hate having to constantly let my friends down but at the end of the day; your health is more important sometimes most of the time!
I have learnt to mask my Fibromyalgia pain, put a front on things and get on with the task/job at hand but this stomach problem is next level and it's making simple things like dressing pretty hard. Everything tight hurts me as it digs into my tummy, tights hurt, jeans are a no-go as well. It's making things hard for me as it's really limiting my outfit choices. I'm wearing leggings today and even they are putting excess pressure on my's all so sexy isn't it?!
The key for me at the moment is to dress as comfortably as possible so this means loose, oversized, flowing garments. I need to feel like I've simply swaddled myself in my bed sheet and that nothing is digging in! I managed to shoot some outfits last week and this is literally the perfect outfit for those who want to slay whilst being comfortable all day! The skirt is loose and doesn't hurt at all and can we talk about that beautiful colour please? I love the tie detail on the jumper, it gives it a point of difference from your standard jumper and you can hitch it up to any height you like.
Photographs by JKGPhotography
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