Ever worn something, someone's commented on your outfit (in a negative way) and then that outfit/garment seems less special and your mood is altered for the day?
Someone made a negative comment about this jacket when I wore it on my 31st and it knocked me for a whole 30 seconds and then I thought; screw you, I'll wear what I want! It's a stunning jacket, how I styled the outfit was KILLER and I looked damn good!
I've been wearing this kimono non stop and I hope you like how I styled it in this post. Wearing head to toe Elvi - The Hayley Hasselhoff Collection.
I've been wearing this kimono non stop and I hope you like how I styled it in this post. Wearing head to toe Elvi - The Hayley Hasselhoff Collection.
When I choose the clothing I do, I choose it because I like it, it makes me feel good, it makes me feel confident and I personally love to stand out. Why does it matter if someone else thinks differently? They don't have to wear it!
A very simple thought for the day guys...wear what you want and wear it with pride.
Photographs by JKGPhotography