Now that I have my own house and I've been able to furnish it in exactly the way I like; I have become obsessed with homeware and interiors.
I used to LIVE in H&M, quite literally! I trained as a Print Designer back in the day and my first commercial job was to work out in Sweden, designing for H&M. There was an H&M store on every street corner in Stockholm and I spent 9-5 working for them and then most of my free time shopping in their stores! I moved back to London after a year and a half of living out there and it pretty much took me years to go back into an H&M store! I just felt like I needed my time away from it all but now I've had my space; I'm regularly back in there.
I ventured onto their site last week and remembered how much I loved their homeware - it's SO affordable! I could have gone berserk but I was pretty tame. I did manage to snap up a few homeware treats as well as some accessories and I thought I'd let you all see what I picked up.
Aren't these fantastic!?
I needed a thin rug to run beside my side of the bed. I was getting fed up of getting out of bed and standing on a cold, wood floor. This rug is perfect and comes in lots of colours.
This is my favourite print! One day I will cover an entire wall in my lounge with this print!
I am addicted to candles and I cannot express how much I love all of these. They smell so, so amazing and the packaging for all of them are to die for! Please take my word for it; they are amazing and you must give them a try.
I actually bought these for my Mum as I think she'll love them! I like them so much I might have to buy myself a pair now!
Fold Over Clutch Bag - similar here
I have a few clutches in this style but I've been searching for a plain black one for ages! So happy with this bargain.
H&M have so many cushion covers! I have a collection on my sofa at home and I've wanted a grey & white striped one for ages! H&M to the rescue.
Do you shop at H&M for homeware?