I've been going out a lot recently and struggling to find appropriate outfits to wear... seems strange considering I have a million and one items of clothing right? Well I was having a hunt around in my wardrobe and stashed away at the back was this *PU dress from Simply Be. I was gifted this dress back in the summer and I remember picking it and thinking how happy I would be to pull it out when the weather turned. I was right as I was very happy indeed to find it! I sized up a few sizes as I thought it would be a bit snug and I love the fit of it. I like that it doesn't cling and it'll be one of those dresses that I know I can wear when I want to look fancy but I don't want to put it all on show!
The jacket is so Pat Butcher - she's definitely one of my style and jewellery icons. I bought it from New Look last year, from their main range and I didn't really get a chance to wear it so I'm so happy that it's cold enough to wear it now. The Vivienne Westwood bag is a beautiful gift from my parents and I'm always so paranoid I loose it on a night out, after having too many shandies. I tend to only take it out when I know it'll be a nice classy affair! I bought these little booties last weekend with my Mum and they are mega comfy. They are the same shape as my beloved black and gold studded boots and I have worn them to death so I imagine these will get a lot of wear!