Some decisions take 5 seconds and some take a very long time to make. You go back and forth, you weigh up the pros and cons, you talk to those who you trust and love. This is exactly what I have done since deciding to have Laser Eye Surgery with Optical Express
- My story -
I've worn glasses since I was 13 and initially, I thought it sucked. I didn't want to have to wear glasses every day and it was just something else that wasn't "perfect" with my body/appearance. I was slightly less annoyed once I discovered contact lenses though and for about 7 years I was blissfully happy wearing lenses and wearing my glasses on the odd occasion.
Fast forward to 2009 when I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and the sad news, that along with all the other side effects; dry eyes was one of the ones that would affect me in a big way. Contact lenses started to irritate my eyes, I'd get headaches if I wore them and it didn't matter what brand I tried; none were comfortable. I had to give up contacts for a really long time and this really got to me.
I don't mind wearing my glasses day-to-day, I've acquired a big selection of frames and they most certainly are another accessory - something you all know I love! I do like wearing different glasses for different occasions and it's true; glasses are an extension of your personality BUT
I'm vain and I'm not ashamed to admit that. For events, weddings, special occasions etc I like to have all of my face out, I love showing off my makeup and I don't like having to hide behind a pair of frames.
- Why I want Laser Eye Surgery -
along with the major reasons, there are tonnes of smaller reasons why...
- I want to roll over in the morning, open my eyes and see as soon as my eyelids lift
- I want to lie on the sofa and watch telly without my glasses obscuring my face and them going wonky because I've layed on them too much
- I want to go swimming without the need to wear glasses or contacts under a pair of goggles
- I want to do a full face of makeup and not worry about those annoying little marks that the nose pads leave in my foundation
- I want to be able to wear cheap sunglasses from any high street store!
- I want to wear cheap glasses without the fear of sitting on them and having to fork out for new, expensive prescription ones
- I would like to be able to know that if I get scared in the night, I'll be able to see as soon as I turn a light on and not have to faff with finding my glasses
- I want to lie on someone's chest and watch tv without the need to wear glasses
- I would like to be able to wear fake lashes without them sweeping against a pair of lenses!
- I want to walk in the rain and not have to stop every 5 mins because my lenses need wiping.
- I want to be able to shoot with my photographer and me to be able to see what instructions shes giving me whilst standing meters away from her
- I want to hang out with my baby niece and for her not to try and smack my glasses off my face every 5 seconds haha!
- I want to go about my life and not have to think about whether I've packed my lenses, frames, contact solution etc.
- I want to save money on not having to fork out on expensive prescription glasses/sunglasses/contacts
I'm not going to lie to you guys, I'm nervous.
Who wouldn't be? It's not something you just decide to do on a whim. At the end of the day, it's a major procedure and there are of course risks involved. Optical Express have however been exceptionally helpful at every stage of this journey so far and one of the resources I have found to be helpful is their Youtube channel. Take a peek and you'll see patient testimonials, videos on the risks and even live videos of what the surgery looks like.
- My Optical Express Journey so far -
I initially met with Optical Express at a blogger event (also available to see on their youtube channel) and after showing my interest and having some scans, I went onto having a consultation at their Westfield White City branch. This consultation is free and you have a number of non-invasive scans. I discussed my reasons for wanting laser eye surgery and it was my chance to ask absolutely anything I wanted about the procedure, the aftercare, the longevity of the sight correction etc!
Check this video here to see exactly what you can expect from a consultation at Optical Express.
Once all my tests were done, I was shown a video on what I could expect from the surgery, my recovery time, the risks and side effects involved etc, I was emailed all of my scans and I was also given an info pack on everything I needed to know including what I'd need to do in the lead up to my surgery. There are two types of laser surgery and I was also told which type I would be undergoing.
Last week I was called by my surgeon for a pre-surgery discussion. It was great to be able to have a chat with him ahead of the surgery and he outlined a few of the important things I needed to do in the lead up to surgery, he gave me some tips for the day and what I should do after it's all done. He reminded me to read over the info pack and we just went through anything I was unsure of. I thought this was a really nice touch. Although I won't meet Dr. Patel until the day, I feel at ease knowing we've had an initial introduction.
Although I am nervous and I tend to worry about everything, I also feel very secure in the knowledge that I'm in good hands, I've made the right decision and I'm also very, very, very grateful for the fact Optical Express have chosen to collaborate with me. I'm here to help explain things to you, give you an honest account of my journey with Optical Express and I also want you to know; you can ask me anything! Comment below if you have any questions or send me a tweet!
Photography by JKGPhotography
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Stay tuned for updates on my social channels and keep your eyes peeled for my follow up post!
This post is an advertisement feature and sponsored by Optical Express.