I previously used to only ever use face wash, face wipes and moisturiser as part of my skin care routine. I was blessed with very good skin only experiencing very, very occasional blemishes. That has all changed now sadly and I now have an array of problems with my skin. In an attempt to combat all these problems, I have been seriously reading up on skin care products, testing them out and although I am a long way off getting back to having brilliant skin, I am a lot closer than I was 4/5 months ago.
I am still finding the perfect combination of products for my skin type and have a lot of products I want to try but the ones I wanted to show you today have been having a great effect so far! Not all are 100% right for me and I will explain why; but most are spot on! I am by no means a beauty blogger and I am no expert but I get asked about my skin and makeup on a daily basis so I thought I would write this post to show what I do to my skin in preparation before I trowel on my makeup.
First thing I use in the morning is a face wash. I haven't found the perfect face wash for me yet, but in the mean time I have been using this Neutrogena Visibly Clear Pink Grapefruit Daily Scrub. As well as a face wash, I am also on the hunt for a new exfoliator (I want to try something other than the Dermalogica Skin Prep Scrub which I've used for years) I thought this daily scrub would be perfect to use whilst I track down those two new products. I love the pink grapefruit scent, the colour of it and the micro-beads which help scrub away dry patches of skin and clean out my pores. I always find my makeup goes on so much better after I have given my skin a proper scrub.
The next thing I use is a Simple Cleansing Facial Wipe to make sure there is no makeup left on my neck or around my eyes/behind my ears etc.
After I have used a wipe I then move on to using Clinques Anti Blemish Solutions Clarifying Lotion. Now, I'm not entirely happy with this product but it has helped clear my skin up and I will use it when my skin is particularly bad and I really want to help dry out an area. The problem I'm having with it is that although my skin can be very oily, this product is drying my skin out a little too much and I am getting dry/flakey patches. This clarifying lotion is meant to help exfoliate dead skin away BUT I think this particular anti blemish solution is too drying for me and I need something a little more suitable for combination skin. You shake this lotion up vigorously as it tends to settle and you use it on a cotton wool pad and sweep it over your face. Be careful not to drag it over your face too roughly or move the pad back and forth lots, you only need to wipe it around your face softly.
I really want to try a clarifying lotion by REN called Clarimatte Clarifying Toner after it was personally recommended to me by my fave beauty blogger Sandra, over at The Black Pearl Blog. It looks to be a great toner and I will have to pick some up when I go and see my friend who happens to work on the REN counter in Liberty's *Waves hello to Scarlet*.
Next up is an A-MAZ-ING product called Super Spot Remover by Origins and I use this on all of my blemishes and break outs. I had read about this on a number of beauty blogs and when I was near an Origins stockist I nabbed myself a bottle. It is £14.00 for this tiny bottle BUT I don't care. In my opinion is is 100% worth it. I use this in the morning and at night and the clear gel sits on the blemish and acts as a little shield. It helps to clear up the spot, dry it out and helps clear up that red, angry appearance they tend to have. Honestly, you put it on a horrid blemish at night and in the morning it is visibly calmer and looks less like a erupting volcano. I love, love, love this product.
After I've applied the spot remover gel, I spray my face with another a-maz-ing product called Serozinc. This is by skin care brand La Roche-Posay and I am in absolute love with this product. I will be re buying this spray as I can tell I will re-use this for a very long time. The zinc sulphate in the solution promises to soothe and cleanse your skin and help reduce irritation and redness. It does exactly what it says on the tin. I can see why so many people, including my Mum, rave about this product. I get really bad irritation underneath my mouth and either side of my nose and since using this, that redness and soreness has dramatically improved. The cooling mist feels lovely and I use this in the morning and in the evening.
After I have used the Serozinc, I move on to the next process which is to apply a thin layer of La Roche-Posays Effaclar Duo+. I haven't had this very long so I'm yet to see a huge difference to my skin but head over to Sandras blog to read her review here. I am really excited to see if this product works for me as I scar really badly after I have a spot, it sticks around for weeks, sometimes months and although my concealer and foundation cover those dark spots up reasonably well, it would be nice if I didn't get them so bad and it also promises to un clog your pores. This can be used as a make up base as well so for those of you who like your makeup to go on nice and smoothly, give this one a go. It's a really nice smooth, cream which has a very pleasant smell to it.
I hope you have enjoyed reading about my routine and it's maybe inspired you to take a look at your own routine and the products you use and see whether you're happy with the products you use or if you think it's time for a change.
Can you recommend any amazing cleansing foams/face washes to me and also an exfoliating face scrub I could try? Oh, and a moisturiser as I haven't featured it here, but I don't like my current Simple moisturiser and haven't been using one very much which is very naughty!