Is anyone else with me? I feel like there's no in-between. I have always worn a full face of makeup and I think I've mostly done this after watching my Mum do it for years. I always go out, looking made up and it's just the way I've always functioned and felt happiest.
I work from home a lot and in the past I aways used to apply a full face of makeup even if I was just sitting in. It made me feel ready for the day ahead but my god, what a waste of makeup! In the last year since becoming best mates with a dressing gown I was gifted on a press trip, my love of lounge wear and a fresh face has really excelled. I now love cleansing my face as usual in the morning, but leaving it bare and going about my day. I've even been known to pop to the local shops without a scrap of make up on...go me ey!
The reason I thought I'd share this with you all is because THIS DRESS is literally the comfiest thing I've worn and I'd go as far as saying it's like putting on a glam dressing gown. I look respectable and well turned out yet every time I wear this dress I feel like I'm swaddled in my thick dressing gown. To keep things easy, I did a really simple (for me) face of make up and threw on these super comfy, wide fit heels.
Photographs by JKGPhotography
Shop My Look
1. *Dress | 2. *Wide Fit Heels
Voila Ladies! With a dress like this, you don't need to decide which vibe you prefer. Just grab yourself a Dressing Gown Dress and go!