So in amongst the craziness of moving back to London I have suddenly found the urge to do shit loads of outfit posts. I've been neglecting the blog and myself generally because I am so focused on the moving and everything associated with it but I've recently acquired lots of fab clothes and accessories so I wanted to show you all my goodies.
Today I wore the WORLDS SOFTEST JUMPER. This jumper is from Tesco and was super cheap and Mum actually picked it up for me whilst doing the weekly shop. I find Tesco clothing comes up a little small so I always size up. Mum chose a 22 for me and I think it's spot on. It's a boxy jumper and some might say it's not the most flattering but.....erm, I don't really care. It also comes in black and pink and you can see it here.
I wore this fluffy delight over my *Daisy print swing dress from Topsy Curvy. I sized up with this dress as it comes up quite small. It's definitely the sort of dress you wear over thick leggings or tights. You might show your lady bits if you bent over you see.
The necklace is a recent purchase from Topshop and it's rather sweet I think. My collection of pink things is steadily growing and this is the perfect addition. You can take a look at it here if you want to that is.
The tan high heeled brogues are from Clarks last year and I am still trying to break them in...not gunna lie, they aren't that comfy at the moment. I bought them because I am addicted to the ones from Office and when I saw these I thought they were great dupes. Hopefully the get better once they are broken in!
Finally a look at my makeup for today. I have been wearing this Chanel lippy every day. It's so soft on my lips and the colour is so vivid. It's called 'La Diva' and you can see it here.
I think I might live in this jumper. Seriously, go to Tesco and grope it.
Hope you are all having a good week and that you have a FABULOUS weekend.

*This dress was gifted to me for review