I had packed this Asos ying yang dress (from their main range) with every intention of wearing it with my leather jacket and studded boots but whilst browsing a gorgeous little vintage shop in Amsterdam I came across this A-MAZE-ING jacket. The price was 30€ and without thinking, I picked it up, took it to the guy who worked there and asked if he'd sell it to me for 20€. After chatting for a while and realising the zipper was a bit screwed he let me have it for 20€ and I left a very happy young lady!! I threw this outfit on the next day and Callie and I headed out to find the perfect location for some blog photos.
Callie was kind enough to pap me and after she had had her own outfit pics taken we decided to do some together. Oh guyzzzzzzzzz, the love between us is so obvious right?! She's one of the best things to come out of this blogging malarky and I am so glad we have each other. We met just over a year ago and I don't think a single day has gone by where we haven't spoken to each other. God forbid if anyone saw our Whatsapp conversations! All the lols.
I'm so glad I picked this jacket up and that I didn't wear my standard black leather jacket with it! The booties are my old Topshop ones that I've worn approximately 17,000 times, the bag is an old H&M jobby and I pinched Callie's spare pair of sunnies.