Such a sunny, glorious day isn't it?! It really does help to improve your mood, when the sun is pouring through your windows and warming up your pastey skin.
I popped up to London yesterday to meet my lesbian life parter Callie and we headed to the New Look HQ to try on clothes and drink prosecco and discuss our future project. Exciting times ahead guys so stay tuned for what we have planned!!
This is the outfit I decided to wear and I really enjoyed plodding around in such a springy outfit.
The *denim parka from Simply Be is such dream. I didn't know how much I wanted one until I saw it, if that makes any sense? Such a great in-between season type coat. I love the white cord toggle and the fact is has a hood.
The Topsy Curvy *daisy dress, which I have worn to death since acquiring it, is a perfect little swing dress. Very short on me but the parka stops everyone from seeing... ya know. Remember to size up in this style as it comes up quite small.
My necklace is an old Accessorize jobby and I love the mix of denim and neon. I think it suited the outfit rather well! I wore my really old, white brogues (standardly) and I bought this cute grey/blue bag from Topshop last year and it was suchhhhh a good buy. It goes with tonnes of outfits and I love that it's quite dinky but you can ram it full of your shite still. My blue ring is an old one from Primark and the sparkly one is an old Accessorize purchase. The bangle is an old gift from my mum. Aww, I do love my Mum.
I hope you all are enjoying your weekend, and making the most of the sunshine? What are you all up to?

* indicates a gifted item.